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Time limits are valid at your online account level and are common for Pamestoixima wallet.
You can set daily, weekly and monthly time limits for participation.
For the time limits, the time between your login and logout from your account, is considered.
You will be automatically logged out from your account once 100% of you time limits have been exceeded. You will not be able to log in to your account until the respective time limit has been lifted. Your limits are reset to the settings you have applied according to the below definitions:
- A "Day" is defined from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 of the same day
- A "Week" is defined from Sunday 00:00:00 to Saturday 23:59:59
- A "Month" from the 1st day, at 00:00:00, until the last day of the month at 23:59:59
You may set your deposit limits on your Pamestoixima wallet.
You can set daily, weekly and monthly deposit limits.
By reaching 100% of a deposit limit, you will no longer be able to deposit money into your Pamestoixima wallet until the restriction is lifted. Your limits are reset to the settings you have applied according to the below definitions:
- A "Day" is defined from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 of the same day
- A "Week" is defined from Sunday 00:00:00 to Saturday 23:59:59
- A "Month" from the 1st day, at 00:00:00, until the last day of the month at 23:59:59
Your loss limits are applied on Pamestoixima and Pamestoixima Casino. Maximum loss limits are defined as net losses i.e. the deposited amount that the user can lose, and any winnings are not included therein.
You can set daily, weekly and monthly loss limits.
By reaching 100% of a loss limit you will no longer be able to play on Pamestoixima or Pamestoixima Casino, until the restriction is lifted. Your limits are reset to the settings you have applied according to the below definitions:
- A "Day" is defined from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 of the same day
- A "Week" is defined from Sunday 00:00:00 to Saturday 23:59:59
- A "Month" from the 1st day, at 00:00:00, until the last day of the month at 23:59:59
Your play limits are applied on Pamestoixima and Pamestoixima Casino.
You can set daily, weekly and monthly play limits.
By reaching 100% of a play limit, you will no longer be able to play on Pamestoixima or Pamestoixima Casino, until the restriction is lifted. Your limits are reset to the settings you have applied according to the below definitions:
- A "Day" is defined from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 of the same day
- A "Week" is defined from Sunday 00:00:00 to Saturday 23:59:59
- A "Week" is defined from Sunday 00:00:00 to Saturday 23:59:59
Select temporary abstention for 24 hours, if you want to take a break from your game.
The temporary abstention lasts for 24 hours. In the event that you choose to temporarily abstain from playing, your account will enter into a "Blocked" state and will remain in that state for the period of temporary exclusion.
To activate the temporary abstention, visit the Responsible Gaming / Self-Exclusion section in your account and select the "1 Day" period.
The temporary abstention concerns your account in all OPAP Online games.
If you feel that you can’t control your game, consider voluntary self-exclusion, either temporary or indefinite.
In case you request indefinite self-exclusion, your electronic account will enter into a "Closed" status and your contractual relationship will be terminated. Your account can be reactivated only upon your request, after at least one (1) year has passed since the block and after you re-accept the accession agreement and the necessary procedures for opening your electronic account have been completed again.
The temporary exclusion is defined by you, and is valid for a period of at least one (1) month*. In case you request your temporary block, your account will be in "Blocked" status for the period of temporary block. Your online account will be reactivated automatically after the temporary blocking period you have selected.
Self-exclusion concerns your account in all OPAP Online games.
*The month corresponds to thirty (30) calendar days.