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Responsible Gaming

Responsible Gaming


In team we encourage Responsible Gaming.

By saying "Responsible Gaming" we refer to a series of actions aiming at protecting and preventing the public, and especially vulnerable social groups (e.g. minors), from participation in games of chance and from dependence thereon and addiction thereto, in order for public health, safety, legality and transparency of transactions not to be endangered.

More specifically, in OPAP S.A. we develop Responsible Gaming actions, aiming to inform Players on:

-How to maximize the entertainment offered to them by the games of chance, and how to minimize the negative repercussions deriving from their participation.

-the regulations on the conduct of the games.



Because you control the game. This is how:

You may not participate in OPAP S.A. online games unless you are older than 21 years of age, while our goal is to create a safe environment for our players.

In OPAP we want the game to remain entertaining.

In order for the player to experience the joy of the game, apart from the frequent breaks, he/she shall set the monetary deposit and loss amounts as well as the time to be spent therein.

As of 1st August, based on the “Games Regulation on the organization and conduct of games of chance through the Internet”, Ministerial Decision no. 79835 ΕΞ 2020, the setting of time and monetary limits on your gaming becomes mandatory.


To whom is the Regulation addressed:

To ALL users, both the new ones and those that already have an electronic account.

Upon commencement of the first gaming session, following the signing up of the electronic account, the player, in accordance with the Games Regulation, the HGC instructions, the applicable provisions and the Responsible Gaming principles, shall mandatorily set, for a specific period of time, the following limits, guided by a prudent gaming behavior, proportional to his/her capacities, and consciously considering the risks entailed in his/her participation in the games:


Which are the mandatory limits that I have to set?

  • Time limit concerning the maximum time of participation.
  • Monetary limit of deposits in wallet.
  • Loss monetary limit for sportsbetting.
  • Loss monetary limit for casino.


Setting of limits:

The limits are set per day, week or month.

The “day” is set from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 of the same day;

the “week” is set from Sunday, at 00:00:00, to Saturday, at 23:59:59; and

the “month” is set from the 1st calendar day, at 00:00:00, until the last calendar day of the month, at 23:59:59.


A) Example: The user (upon log-in) sets a daily (monetary and/or time) limit on Monday, at 11:00 a.m.

Such limit will be renewed on Tuesday, at 00:00:01.

Regarding the existing users, there is no retroactive effect as a result of the first time the aforementioned limits are set.

B) Example: The user starts playing at 08:00 a.m. At 11:00 a.m. he/she sets for the first time a daily (monetary and/or time) Responsible Gaming limit. The time he/she spent playing or the money he/she spent before setting for the first time the respective limit shall not be counted in his/her remaining limit for the said day. This shall not apply for every following limit change/ amendment.


When do my limits change?

If you wish to reduce your limits, such reduction shall apply immediately.

If you wish to increase your limits, for such increase it is required that the time period for which the limit was set has lapsed.

A) Example: The user sets on Tuesday a weekly deposit limit of €50. The user changes such limit to €30/week. Such change enters into effect immediately.

B) Example: If the user changes his/her weekly deposit limit to €55, such change will enter into force as of Sunday, at 00:00:01.

(Calculation of a week: Sunday to Saturday according to definitions).


If your mandatory limits are not set, you will not be able to proceed to any activity in your account.

Especially for the case of the maximum loss limit, the entries are also counted, the risk of which has as a possible result the exceeding of the limit having been set.


What happens when I reach the 80% of a limit I have set?

The users are relatively informed when they reach the 80% of any of the Responsible Gaming limits.


What happens when I reach the 100% of a limit I have set?

When the user reaches the 100% of his/her time limit, he/she logs out of his/her account and cannot log in until the restoration of such limit takes place.

When trying to log in until the restoration, the user is being relatively informed.

When the user reaches the 100% of his/her loss or deposit limit, he/she cannot participate in the respective game, the limit of which has been reached, or deposit more money in wallet.


A) Example: If the user reaches the 100% of the loss limit he/she has set in casino, he/she will not be able to play casino games until the time limit he/she has set expires (daily - weekly - monthly limit).

B) Example: If the player reaches the 100% of the limit of deposits into his/her Pamestoixima wallet, he/she will not be able to further deposit into his/her Pamestoixima wallet until the time limit he/she has set expires (daily - weekly - monthly limit).


Maximum gaming session duration:

The session may not exceed 24 consecutive hours, while after 30 minutes of no activity, the user logs out of his/her account automatically.

OPAP S.A. has the right to restrict gaming activity (entries, attribution of winnings) and/or the transactions (deposits/ withdrawals), in the framework of implementation of the Responsible Gaming principles, provided that from the details it possesses, it derives that the player presents a problematic playing behavior.



The player may proceed, on his/her own initiative, provided that he/she want to, following an application of his/hers via the website, to his/her temporary exclusion or exclusion of indefinite term from the participation in Games, provided that the player has logged in with his/her electronic account.

The player will not be able to participate in games after he/she has excluded himself/herself.

The exclusion may take the form of (a) an exclusion of indefinite term, (b) a temporary exclusion or (c) of a temporary abstention.

(a) Exclusion of indefinite term

The exclusion of indefinite term is set by the player. In case the player requests his/her exclusion of indefinite term, OPAP S.A. shall immediately deactivate the electronic account of the player, turning it to the state “closed”, and terminate the contractual relationship. The electronic player account may be re-activated only following the Player’s application, after at least one (1) year has lapsed after the exclusion and since the Contract of Accession has been re-concluded and the necessary procedures for the opening of the electronic player account have been re-completed.

(b) Temporary exclusion 

The temporary exclusion is set by the player and applies for a period of at least one (1) month. If the Player asks to be temporarily excluded, OPAP S.A. will immediately block the electronic player account and keep it in this state during such temporary exclusion period. The electronic player account will be automatically re-activated after the lapse of the temporary exclusion period the player has chosen.

(c) Temporary abstention

The temporary abstention lasts twenty-four (24) hours. If the Player asks to temporarily abstain, OPAP S.A. will immediately block the electronic player account and keep it in this state during such temporary abstention period. The electronic player account will be automatically re-activated after the lapse of the twenty-four hours, during which the temporary abstention lasts.


Moreover, OPAP S.A. has the right to proceed itself, per its justified opinion, to the temporary exclusion or exclusion of indefinite term of the player, for as long as it deems necessary, provided that from the details of the gaming behavior, the information it possesses and the relevant policy it implements, it derives that the player presents a problematic gaming behavior and, despite its repeated recommendations, the player has not proceeded to his/her exclusion.

Submission of self-exclusion request

The player will be able to submit a request for a temporary exclusion or abstention or an exclusion of indefinite term from his/her participation in games of chance through his/her electronic account. OPAP S.A. guarantees that the player will not be able to participate in any game following the submission of the exclusion request.


Record of self-excluded persons

The player who has set himself/ herself to the state of temporary exclusion or exclusion of indefinite term shall be mandatorily and automatically registered in the Record of Excluded Persons that is kept by the HGC.

Before the signing up of each electronic account, OPAP S.A. will necessarily refer to the Record of Excluded Persons in order to ensure that the person who wishes to sign up is not registered therein. If the person is registered in the Record, the signing up of the electronic account will be rejected.

The registration of a player in the Record of Excluded Persons entails his/her exclusion from participation in the games of all license holders on the provision of online games. Every license holder on the provision of online games guarantees that the player having been registered in the Record of Excluded Persons may not participate in the online games it itself provides for as long as he/she is registered therein.

OPAP S.A. shall not accept any deposit to an electronic player account if the details of the person who is beneficiary of the said electronic account are not cross-checked with the details kept in the Record of Excluded Persons maintained by the HGC.

OPAP S.A. also keeps its own record of players who wish to be temporarily or permanently excluded from participating in games of chance. The player shall give his/her explicit consent for his/her registration to this record.



A responsible player is the one who:

- By playing games of chance, he/she sets from the beginning a monetary amount and does not exceed it for any reason.

- Does not borrow money to play.

- Does not use money intended to cover other daily needs of his/hers in order to play.

- Does not try to come even by risking additional money.

- Is conscious and believes that he/she cannot affect the game of chance.

What does a smart player do?

- He/she avoids spending in games of chance the money intended to cover other needs.

- He/she stops playing or plays less in order to safeguard the money intended to cover other needs.

- He/she avoids spending too often small amounts or change in order to participate in games of chance.

- He/she does not play in order to get back the money lost.

- He/she avoids considering the games of chance a solution to his/her problems and concerns.

- He/she does not borrow money to play.

- He/she thinks that the money he/she spent playing is the consideration one pays in order to have fun.

- He/she does not lie to his/her relatives and friends about the time and money spent on gaming.

- He/she asks for help from experts when he/she understands that he/she tends to spend more or play more often.

- He/she does not leave his/her work or studies in order to play.

- He/she does not play when he/she feels sad, lonely, bored, emotionally charged or stressed.

- He/she always sets limits to the game and NEVER exceeds them.

- He/she always plays only the monetary amount he/she has set from the beginning.

- He/she stops playing when he/she exceeds his/her preset monetary limit.

- He/she is fully aware of the time period he/she plays and the amounts he/she spends.

- He/she makes use of the possibility to self-exclusion in cases this is possible.

- He/she is informed on the winnings’ possibilities.



It is important for a player having exceeded the limits concerning his/her participation in games of chance to realize that:

- He/she is not alone in this situation and may find compassion and support either in persons close to him/her or specialized scientists.

- It is important to be honest with himself/herself and others.

- He/she shall be prepared to experience withdrawal symptoms.

- He/she will help himself/herself by finding activities that will distract him/her from the games of chance.

The assistance and support of friends and relatives of players who are addicted to games of chance may be a crucial factor in helping them to rehabilitate from such addiction to them.

We provide assistance to our addicted relative or friend when:

- We accept him/her as he/she is, since condemning him/her may deteriorate his/her condition.

- We encourage him/her to realize that he/she is addicted.

- We explain to him/her that he/she is responsible for his/her actions.

- We give him/her an incentive to change.

- We encourage him/her to get help from mental health experts or self-help groups.



If someone believes that he/she has a problem related to games of chance (or believes that a relative or friend of his/hers has such problem), he/she may contact the psychological support and telecounseling helpline 1114 of KETHEA-ALFA ( ) for addicted players, which operates with the financial support of OPAP S.A.

Through this program, assistance and guidance are provided to addicted players and their relatives or friends.

- This helpline operates from Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 21:00, and employs fully trained staff, such as sociologists, social workers and psychologists.

- The objective of the program is for the interested persons who face a problem of addiction to games of chance to be able, through personal meetings, to be rehabilitated and reintegrated in the society.

OPAP S.A. promotes the aforementioned program to the general public, so that addicted players, their family environment and their friends be encouraged to ask for help, by keeping their privacy and anonymity.


1. Net Nanny ( General blocking software that protects children from inappropriate online content. Also available in iOS and Android devices.

2. CYBERsitter ( Filtering software allowing parents to select the pages they wish to block.

3. GamBlock ( Specific blocking software for betting websites. Also available in Android devices.

4. Betfilter ( Specific blocking software for betting websites. Also available in Android devices.



OPAP S.A. will be providing the player and any interested person with tools (tests) for self-assessment concerning their stance towards the games, and it will be encouraging them to assess such stance, by informing them at the same time that:

The test is anonymous and accessible to everyone and anyone could conduct it, without the signing up or the logging in the website being required.

Fill out the questionnaire here and find out if your participation in games of chance is problematic.

The questionnaire is based on the Canadian Problem Gambling Index.
